Founded in 1981, “ALPHA ASSURANCES” is a consulting and insurance brokerage firm, dealing also with reinsurance & credit insurance branches. This subsidiary of AKWA GROUP is considered as one of the leading multi-specialist brokers in the local market; recognized by its partners, clients and insurers for skills, professionalism and the seriousness of its employees.
The running in the short-term turnover is not in the culture of our company in the sense that our underwriting politics imposes us to select our prospects.
We join more the long term with partners to whom we make a commitment to support their development, by guaranteeing them regularity and continuity of our qualified performances. Therefore, our portfolio is homogeneous in its composition (business-oriented companies), allowing us to dedicate ourselves totally to our customers by providing the best service in quality, price, and delay
Immeuble Tay ,393 , Route De La Faculte (Ex Route D'el Jadida),
6 Rue Martin Pecheurs, Oasis, Casablanca,
rand Casablanca,Morocco